Saturday 7 December 2013

Make Her Smile - Proven Ways

When it comes to relationships, we can lose sight in the day-to-day madness of our career-driven lives. You don't always have to resort to out-of-box gestures and grand plans to impress your partner, small gestures like sending her a random 'I Miss You' text message or preparing her favourite meal can go a long way in stabalising any relationship. As the cliché goes, you have to be her friend as well as her lover, and that's exactly what makes a relationship so amazing. Here are a few, easy and quick things you can do to let her know she is special and always on your mind.

1) Record a voice memo for her 

Girls love to know they are appreciated and loved by those close to them. So, while you can pick up the phone and remind her about the same, anytime, it's actually quite fun and unique if you record a love message telling her how special she is and send that across. It will catch her off guard but not before leaving a smile on her face. 

2) Send a cab to pick her up

At the end of a long, boring and annoying day at work or running around the city to attend meetings, the last thing anyone wants is to get on a cramped local train or a metro all the way to home. Make her happy and send a cab to pick her up. She'll be floored by this gesture. 

3) Get creative with emoticons

Call it corny or cheesy, but getting creative with emoticons can actually be hilarious and fun. Create a story, tell her what you want to do and what you have on your mind vis-a-vis emoticons. Get dirty even. Girls love that goofy stuff. Let her respond to your messages with emojis as well. You have to try it to believe it! 

4) Download her favourite TV show

TV series are addictive for a reason and everybody loves to watch them, including your spouse. Especially when she is feeling low, girls want nothing more than to vegetate in front of the television. We suggest downloading an entire season of a show she can indulge in without having to wait for the annoying download time. This is the ultimate pleasant surprise on those low days.

5) Remind her she's awesome

Everyone has bad days at work. And all she needs at that time is a little boost- especially from the man she loves the most. Send her a text, e-mail her or call her, but tell her she is awesome and that she deserves all the success in the world. Want to see her smile reaching her eyes- surprise her by dropping by at her office during the lunch time.

Monday 25 November 2013

Answer of 5 common sex questions


Why is sex painful: 

Sex can be painful for some, especially the first time you do it. But sex isn't a painful act on the whole. It's supposed to give you pleasure.

"Some people experience anxiety, nervousness and tension during sex. This tightens the muscles of the vagina, making penetration difficult. This is what causes pain," says gynecologist Dr Srishti Jain.

Stop worrying about sex and it will automatically be pleasurable and not cause pain.

Am I a lesbian: 

Many heterosexual women have dreams about doing it with other women. This doesn't have to mean they're gay or bisexual. You may realize your sexual preference by who you think of when you masturbate. But this isn't a sure shot method, the fact remains that many women have fantasies that involve other women.

"If you have repeated dreams and sexual feelings towards a person of the same sex, which are affecting your actual sex life, you should seriously consider the possibility of being homosexual," says Jain.

I never have an orgasm: 

"Forty-five per cent of women don't have an orgasm during intercourse," says Jain. It's got nothing to do with you. It could mean you aren't getting good action.  

Try new positions and see what you enjoy best. It's just a matter of trial and error. Simply having your clitoris stroked the right way can give you an orgasm.

First Date Sex = Slut: 

There's no hard and fast rule about which date you should have sex on. It completely depends on the two people involved and how the date went.  

If you are comfortable with the guys and don't see any reason to hold off having fun in the bedroom, go right ahead. Just be prepared for things to go either way the next morning. Make sure you're using protection so that the chances of STDs and pregnancy are ruled out.

Love or lust: 

The fact that you are asking this question means you have trouble separating sex and love. Our take is that love doesn't have to come into the picture for you to have good sex. No-strings-attached sex is just as pleasurable. 

Make sure you are honest with each other about what you are looking for. Remember to use adequate protection.

Jain says pregnancy and sexually-transmitted diseases should be the biggest worry in your head. "Make sure you learn about these consequences. It's better to be safe than sorry," she says.

Wednesday 20 November 2013

5 rules in online dating

The online dating scene is changing and changing fast. All thanks to social media and smart phones which have made staying logged in easier. Here are a few important rules to play by before you enter the online dating game.


Everybody check out about their date before meeting them on Google. Checking social media profiles also gives you a decent idea about a person. If you find anything about the profile, pictures or interactions on these platforms inappropriate, back off. But in case you decide to go ahead, meet and then come to a conclusion, do not be all sweet and confess about spying! It will make your date uncomfortable and also guarded about the conversations that follow- both situations aren’t ideal when you are at the ‘getting to know each other’ stage.

Text, text baby!

Take it easy and don’t read between the lines. This is a mantra you have to religiously follow. It is okay if your date doesn’t call you often or at all, till he is keeping a conversation going though texts. With lifestyles getting busier and most people being sleep deprived, there is no scope of talking on the phone till late in the night. Texting acts as an easier option to interact – throughout the day. Also, some conversations and topics are best discussed on texts.

Social media: the new pick up place

Finding someone on social media! Seriously? Yes! Your Facebook or Twitter or even Instagram can play cupid in your life. What’s the plus? You and the prospective date may have friends in common, making it easy for you to dig out information about him. So browse through with an open eye. 

Is he in for the money?

It is scary but true. Many online dating and matchmaking sites hire people to express interest in profiles and to take it to the next level by chatting or having phone conversations. So the guy you are already planning to go on a date with may just be in it for the money. So don’t let your guards down or trust blindly.

Take the lead

Should I call first? Should I ask him out first? Would I sound too desperate? It’s natural for you to ask yourself these and many more questions. But, take a chill pill we say! Relationship experts have it that women, who want to be pursued and chased and don’t want to be the first ones to call, are often mistaken by men as being disinterested. Also, since options are many in the online dating scene, no man wants to put in extra effort and waste time on pursing one.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Help him change his bad habits

A couple’s lifestyle can go a long way in shaping the future of a relationship. But being patient and putting up with a partner’s quirks is not the only way to save the relationship. We tell you how you can help him get rid of his bad habits.

State the problem and let him think of a solution. But if he doesn’t have any ideas, give an alternative that works for you. Focus on solving the problem, not condemning him for his bad habit.

Keep it to one thing at a time. This means that if you are dealing with the towel on the bed, you are only dealing with the towel on the bed. Wait another day to talk about the hair in the sink or the smelly socks on the floor. It’s best not to tackle more than one issue a day. Otherwise your spouse will begin to feel like one big incompetent failure.

You have more power than you realise. So if you think he’s only having junk food, take control and he will eat better. If he’s spending too much time watching the television, it’s because it fills a void. It helps him relax and fills his time. But if the time is filled by something else, he won’t be watching TV as much. So fill up the time.

Bring it up when you are both relaxed. Don’t comment on the habit right away--it will just turn him off. After dinner is probably a good time because it’s easier to listen when you’re not starving.

Add varieties in Relationship

 Add variety to your life

Studies have shown that dullness can lead to dissatisfaction with a relationship. Trying something new can be as simple as visiting an unfamiliar restaurant or as grand as a backpacking trip through Sri Lanka. Discoveries you make together will keep you feeling close.

Play together, stay together

Find a sport or hobby that you both love and make that a priority in your relationship. Trekking, biking, tennis... whatever it is, find something you enjoy doing together.


In other words: communicate. Talking out the tough subjects—money, religion, fidelity, raising kids—will not be the most fun you’ve had, but it’ll be valuable.

There’s no shame in seeking therapy

Studies show that couples who seek counselling during rocky periods are more successful in resolving their issues than those who don’t. Whether it’s from a counsellor or mental health professional, getting an expert to help sort out strife is very wise.

Keep your eyes on the prize

Yes, he forgot your friend’s name for the nth time, but it doesn’t mean he doesn’t care about you. If you keep your perspective fixed on the goal—to be in a happy, functioning partnership—you’re less likely to get tangled up in every minor annoyance. Remember, you both want the same thing—love and happiness.

Two heads are better than one

Being in a relationship means you’ve made a merger. You’ve not only joined assets but inherited the other’s problems as well. Rather than looking at his problems as merely his own, tackle them together. So if he’s gaining weight, rather than pushing him to diet on his own, enroll in a gym together.

I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine

No one likes demands, but everyone can appreciate a compromise. If you want your partner to do something and you’re not sure he’ll agree, the quickest way to avoid a confrontation is to sweeten the deal. For example: “Sure, I’ll watch the cricket match on Monday if you take me to see the next movie of my choice.”

Fight right

In order to have productive arguments, keep these rules in mind: Don’t call your spouse names. When things get really tough, take a break from the argument. Let the other person finish his/her sentences. Don’t initiate a discussion when you’re angry.

Mind your manners

“Please”, “thank you” and “you’re welcome” can go a long way in helping your partner remember that you respect and love each other and don’t take them for granted.

Friday 15 November 2013

10 Surprising Things All Wives Should Know About Their Husbands

10 Surprising Things All Wives Should Know About Their Husbands

Whether you recently said "I do" or just celebrated a double-digit anniversary, you can probably spout off a lot of info about your husband-his middle name, where he was born, his favorite food. But knowing these 10 other things can bring you closer than ever. Find out why, and try these relationship strategies to ensure your husband is anything but a mystery. Photo by Getty Images

1. When He Needs Space

Sharing office news, the kids' schedules and the latest neighborhood drama as soon as your husband walks in the door each night can backfire. "Most women want to immediately connect at the end of the day. For a lot of guys, they need their space more than ever then," says Les Parrott III, PhD, a psychology professor and co-author (with wife and marriage therapist Leslie Parrott, EdD) of The Good Fight: How Conflict Can Bring You Closer. Give your hubby a few minutes to unwind when he comes home. You're more likely to get his undivided attention if you wait.

2. When He's Really Listening

If it seems like your husband constantly tunes you out, consider this: Men may look at other areas of the room while still paying attention, according to Deborah Tannen, author of You Just Don't Understand: Women and Men in Conversation, who reviewed videotapes of same-sex best friends talking. Rather than focus on where your husband's gaze lands during conversations, note how he responds to you. If your words are truly falling on deaf ears, Rachel A. Sussman, a relationship specialist and author of The Breakup Bible, suggests gently telling him you feel he isn't listening; then, let him respond. "Don't accuse or blame him," she advises.

3. The Most Productive Way to Fight…

Arguments happen in any good marriage. But there's a wrong and right way to fight. Through a study conducted to predict how long couples would stay married, researchers discovered, not surprisingly, that yelling during fights often led to divorce-but so did approaching arguments differently from one's spouse (say, one spoke calmly and the other avoided the conversation). "Ask yourself, 'When would I want to have this conversation?'" suggests Sussman. "Then, think about what might work best for your husband." Assessing both your moods can help you pinpoint the best time for a constructive argument.

4. When an Argument is Going Nowhere

For some disagreements, there's just no productive way to fight it out. To find out if you're gearing up for a purposeful fight, rate the importance of the topic. If it's a core value-like how to raise your children or which city to live in-rank it highly. If it's not-like the color of a new bedspread or what to have for dinner-it may not be worth an argument. Next, determine if you and your husband are ready for the discussion. If either of you are "tired, hungry or distracted, don't get into a conversation about something important," Dr. Leslie Parrott advises.

5. Which Topics Set Him Off

Maybe it's talking about his mom's flavorless cooking-or his late nights at work. Dr. Les Parrott says it's important to "know where the emotional landmines are. If you step on one, you can expect an explosion," he says. But you can't avoid all "hot topics." "Find the right space and time to talk about these issues," he suggests. Plus, try to understand your husband's side, and then approach him in a non-threatening way. You might say, "I'm not looking to upset you; I'm just looking for a solution to an issue that's causing me a lot of pain," Sussman offers.

6. How (and When) to Be His Support System

Couples who say they have strong spousal support and face daily stress have 50% higher rates of marriage satisfaction, according to a 2012 study. While wives equate affection and warmth with support, husbands feel supported when they're appreciated, needed and receiving offers to help with errands. Not sure if your hubby needs you? Ask him. "Mindreading is outlawed," says Jackie Black, PhD, a board-certified couples' coach and author of Meeting Your Match: Cracking the Code to Successful Relationships. Volunteer to tackle some tasks on his list so he can recharge. And tell him how much you appreciate him as a partner to give him a boost.

7. When He's Not Loving Your Love Life

If your man isn't showing signs he wants to have sex-perhaps he usually kisses your neck or gives you a telltale look-then it's time to rekindle the fire. Dr. Leslie Parrott says couples reconnect when they try out-of-the-box activities together. "Women experience intimacy through communication, so we often underplay sharing something novel," she says. Plan a date that'll get you both in the mood. Some ideas: Sign up for a race, head to the museum or take a cooking class to, ahem, turn up the heat.

8. How He Views His Role as Husband and Father

Whether it's just you two or you plus kids, you and your husband have equally important family roles. And it's vital that you recognize how he views his part and respect it. "Of course that's a two-way street, but it's even more important for men," says Dr. Les Parrott, who adds that respecting his role helps him feel close to you. Fight the urge to cast your husband into specific parts without his input. And keep in mind that you don't always have to be in sync with parenting. "Differences in temperament and style are key to parents' success and the enjoyment of parenting," Dr. Black says.

9. What His Dream Job (or Vacation or Car) Is

It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of day-to-day life, but happy couples discuss "each other's hopes and dreams to build and sustain intimacy," says Dr. Black. Make it a point to regularly talk to your husband about, well, him. Find out his career goals for the next few years-or just hear about his favorite book, TV show or food of the moment. Then, reciprocate by telling him more about you. Communication helps you grow with each other instead of apart.

10. That You Don't Know Everything About Him

No matter how much you communicate with your husband, you can never completely know him, and that's OK. "It's never good to believe you know anything about your partner for sure and therefore not ask," says Dr. Black. "It's vital that you and your husband continually get to know each other," adds Sussman. "If you're growing, you have to continue to catch up with each other." That means there's at least one enjoyable thing you can do each week: get to know-and fall in love with-your husband all over again.

Saturday 9 November 2013

10 Common Honeymoon Mistakes

10 Common Honymoon Mistakes

Here are some of the most common honeymoon mistakes-don't make them yours!

1. Forgetting to book a double bed.
You may laugh, but it's important when reserving hotels, especially abroad.

2. Making reservations for an early flight the morning after your wedding.
If you're planning an evening reception, you can be sure you're not going to bed early on your wedding night. A later flight may save you from walking bleary-eyed through the airport.
3. Not carrying a Condom.
This may sound strange but most of the honeymooners do forget to carry condoms on their honeymoon. This may happen either because of the hectic and tiring marriage ceremonies or just a simple oversight. Adequate sex protection is a must if you do not intend to get pregnant immediately after your marriage.
4. Skimping on your accommodations.
Maybe on other trips, but not a honeymoon. Even if you think you won't spend much time in your room, you'll be sorry if your accommodations are not special. Probably the most common honeymoon lament we hear is, "I wish we'd spent just a little more and stayed in a deluxe room."
5. Not setting a honeymoon budget.
Before you go, agree about what you'll splurge on and where you'll skimp to avoid any possible money hassles en route.

6. Letting one person do all the planning.
After all, this honeymoon is for both of you. If you do all the work, you'll feel guilty if things don't go perfectly. If you don't take part in the planning, you'll probably end up dissatisfied.

7. Ignoring cost-saving travel packages.
Talk to your travel agent. Many packages will allow you to have all the frills you want...and save you money.

8. Thinking you have to spend every minute together.
You'll both be happier if you plan one or two separate activities on your honeymoon--and think how much fun you'll have sharing your experiences with each other.

9. Keeping mum about being honeymooners.
Don't be bashful...especially with hotels, cruise lines, restaurants...Tell them when you make your reservations and you're likely to enjoy special treatment.

10. Relying too much on friends and family.
Ask for recommendations from friends and family, but don't let yourselves be overly influenced. Follow your own interests.
11. Not consulting with a travel agent.
A capable agent will help you plan a honeymoon that's right for the two of you-- at a price you can afford.

Husband wife Quotes

Husband wife Quotes

"Everything, husband, wife, or even the body, is only illusory. These are all shackles of illusion. Unless you can free yourself from these bondages, you will never be able to go to the other shore of the world."
 - Sarada Devi


"The relationship between husband and wife should be one of closest friends."
 - B. R. Ambedkar


"The real act of marriage takes place in the heart, not in the ballroom or church or synagogue. It's a choice you make - not just on your wedding day, but over and over again - and that choice is reflected in the way you treat your husband or wife."
 - Barbara de Angelis


"Children are supposed to help hold a marriage together. They do this in a number of ways. For instance, they demand so much attention that a husband and wife, concentrating on their children, fail to notice each other's faults."
 - Richard Armour


“No jealousy their dawn of love overcast, nor blasted were their wedded days with strife; each season looked delightful as it past, to the fond husband and the faithful wife.”
 - James Beattie


“The husband and wife are one, and that one is the husband.”
 - William Blackstone


“The bitterest creature under heaven is the wife who discovers that her husband's bravery is only bravado, that his strength is only a uniform, that his power is but a gun in the hands of a fool.” 
 - Pearl S. Buck

A good wife is one who serves her husband in the morning like a mother does, loves him in the day like a sister does and pleases him like a prostitute in the night.”
 - Chanakya

“Women desire six things: They want their husbands to be brave, wise, rich, generous, obedient to wife, and lively in bed.”
 - Geoffrey Chaucer


“When you're a big money earner and your husband isn't, it makes you question how feminine you are. I felt I was less feminine than if I was a supporting wife, or a second fiddle, or 'Mrs. Higgins.”
 - Barbara Corcoran

“All that a husband or wife really wants is to be pitied a little, praised a little, and appreciated a little.”
 - Oliver Goldsmith

Husband Wife Jokes

Husband: Today is Sunday and I have to enjoy it.
So i bought 3 movie tickets.
Wife: Why 3?
Husband: 4u and your parents.

An Airline Introduced
A Special Package For Business Men.
Buy Ur Ticket Get Ur Wife’s Ticket Free..
After Great Success,
The Company Sent Letters to All The Wives
Asking How Was The Trip.
Which Trip ?

Man: is there any medicine for long life?
Doctor: get married
man: will it help?
Doc: no, but it will avoid such thoughts

Wife pointing at a couple next door says to her husband:
Look at him he kisses her all the time, can’t u do that?

Husband : I tried but she slapped me.

What is the best example of ‘once in a lifetime’ opportunity?

A Mosquito lands on your wife’s face,
& u get the rarest opportunity of your life..

Never miss it!! ;)

Husband: can u be the moon of my life?

Wife: Awww Yes sweetheart..!
Husband: Great! then….
Stay 9,955,887.6 kms away from Me..!!

A man gifted his wife a diamond necklace for there anniversary
and then his wife didn’t speak to him for 6 months.
Was the neclace fake?
No. that was deal..!!

Position of a husband is just like a Split AC…
No matter how loud he is outdoor,
He is designed to remain silent indoor! :P :D

Wife: Im not feeling well..
Husband: Ohhoo I was thinking to go for a dinner!!
Wife: I was joking dear..
Husband: Me too,

A failed Businessman to his Fat wife:
You are my Single Investment in my Life
that has Doubled :D

Height of misunderstanding:
A man marrying his own secretary thinking that
she will still follow his orders as before!!

Only 2 things Can Change a women’s Mood..
1) I Love You.
2) 50% Discount!

Husband asks:
Do you know the meaning of WIFE.
It means.. Without Information Fighting Every time!
WIFE says No, it means:
With Idiot for Ever
All Of Them Gave A Same Reply..

There are 2 theories on arguing with a woman!!!
If the woman is right,
be fair to her & keep quiet.
If the woman is wrong,
be fair to yourself & keep quiet..

A Question Asked in an IQ Test:
If u r Married to One of The Twin Sisters
How Would You Recognize Your Wife?
The Brilliant Answer Came:
Why Should I ?

Quiz - go back to your ex or not ?

Take the following quiz to find out if getting back with your past fling is a good step to take or not...

 In the relationship circuit, breakups, patch ups and rebounds are not quaint. In fact, it's but common. Are you a part of the bandwagon where, post a breakup, you think you still can give the bond with that person a try? If you are unsure as to whether your ex should not just be a thing of the past, and wondering if a second chance is what the relationship deserves, here's a list of questions you must answer before taking the plunge.

1. Have you cheated while you were with your ex-partner or vice versa?
 A. Yes! My partner did cheat on me. And that's what hurt me most.
 B. No. We put an end to our relationship because it wasn't working. None of us cheated on either.

2. Are you okay with how the relationship ended, and did both parties attain closure?
 A. No. We have never spoken about how/why/when we decided to end the relationship.
 B. Yes! We discussed breaking up and this was mutual.

3. How awkward was it post the breakup?
 A. Extremely awkward actually... being civil while at a radius away to each other was difficult.
 B. We are and have always been good friends, and thankfully that remains constant.

4. What is the major reason you think you want to get back to this ex?
 A. I am lonely, bored, need some entertainment in life. And being single sucks!
 B. We were great together...and I miss the times we had. I wish I could unwind time spent with him/her?

5. Tell your friends/family you are getting back to your ex. How do you think would they react?
 A. I think they'd say, "What? Are you kidding me! After all that he/she put you through? Don't do this."
 B. They would be extremely happy. Everyone felt we made an awesome couple. I think that is true.
If most of your answers are:
 A. You should know this isn't a wise decision. Getting back to your ex just because you are bored in life is the perfect recipe for disaster. You and your ex are zero compatible, and well, it's high time you get over him/her. Move on if you want to be happy.
 B. Your ex and you are meant to be, and we feel sorry that you both had to go through a breakup. We suggest you take it slow nonetheless. We understand a lot of people will be happy that you both get together, and so will you, but make sure you don't rush into the decision.

Sunday 13 October 2013

Things to Consider Before a Divorce

According to there are some questions, which you may ask yourself before you leave to be with your soul-mate and have the breath-stopping romantic life you’ve been having in secret during your affair, Huffington Post reported.

The publication reported that if you are in the throes of infatuation and you think that no one has ever made you feel this way before, then you need to see the relationship realistically. You should not forget that your lover knows you’re married and is complicit in the lying that having an affair requires.

Most affairs are conducted in secret, where it’s easy for the pair to be on their best behaviour for the limited time they get to spend together. But, experts have warned that once the affair sees the light of day, it becomes part of the real world.

It is important to question yourself if ‘you are being objective about your marriage?’ It’s easy to find the negative side of your marriage, but finding the positive is also important and you have to be willing to see it.

If you only see your spouse’s failings, you should also be honest and genuine about your contributions to your marriage. You should look at what led you to pick the option of having an affair in order to address the problems in marriage. This will reveal the role you play in the success of your relationships.

Monday 22 July 2013

How to sex up your busy lives

If you are someone who comes home early from work only to continue working from home or takes a day off from work purely for social engagements, then this you've reached the right place.

For modern day couples, where weekends only mean socialising or wrapping up household tasks, love making tends to take a back seat in their to-do list. So, today we thought of telling you how you can sex up your busy lives. Here are our top 5 tips to master the art of lovemaking and let the sparks fly...And did we mention that it's great for your health too?

Keep some time aside

Never treat sex as a burden. The key lies not in thinking about ways to deny it to your partner, but to think of ways how you can enthusiastically boost your sex life. It should be an active de-stressor in your life. After all who would mind a good sex life? Not you for sure! Talk your partner into it if you are in the mood for it tonight. Let things like cleaning, making dinner, attending work calls all be attended well in time. Candle light dinners are a passe, we say dress down for it, take a shower together and let the passion unfold!

Have a gadget-free love making session!

Switch off all your gadgets and gizmos as they can be quite distracting. Let your bedroom be a gadget-free zone. This will help channelise your energy into the one task in your daily life that doesn't need a battery or power chord.

Don't attempt sex marathons

Harsh reality - You are a working professional, and you simply can't afford to miss your morning work meetings just because you indulged in a long sex marathon the previous night. Go for short but effective love making. Besides, these marathons are stuff of romantic movies. They aren't really possible for us mere mortals - especially not every now and then.

Let your touch speak

Do simple things at the right time to reveal to her/him that you are interested! Play with her while she is busy cooking, or send him an erotic message from your phone while he is busy finishing some last minute mails at night, snuggle with each other when you are watching television together.

Less is more!

Less is more, as far your clothes are concerned. Go for sexy night wear, rather than worn out clothes. Play the visual appeal game. And pay plenty of attention to which perfume or cologne you dab on before the action begins.

Monday 27 May 2013

When the devil takes over

   “I can’t arrange the funds!” Lucifer said curtly.

    “Maybe later?” His wife, Delilah, spoke softly, but firmly.

    “Can’t promise you anything.” His face disappeared somewhere in the smoke of the cigarette.

    “You loved me. I mattered to you. Once.” Her eyes had a covert, but profound temper.

    “Once, everything was different. You weren’t so materialistic, once.” He glared back at her.

    “Materialistic? All that we have ever had is a physical relationship – that’s all. Isn’t that materialistic?” Her voice was sorrowful.

    “And still you stick around. You know why? Because of the money that I had.”

Her husband replied spitefully as he bent down, and held the arms of the easy chair that she was sitting in.

She looked back at him as if she had nothing more to say. Her deep-set, black eyes firmly fixed upon the violent, distorted, once handsome visage of her husband. She could feel his tobacco-filled breath on her face. It had been a long time since she had felt him this close to her.

Lucifer turned around and left the bedroom without another word. She kept looking at the closed door for some time before closing her eyes. A few tears painfully fought their way out of the closed eyelids of her burning eyes.

I could hear everything. I could hear the sobs of my mother, the low humming sound of her heart beat, and even the thoughts and dreams that she had. It was strange. Her every dream was about my father. Her heartbeat said a name that I knew was of my father, but I could not really discern what it was.

I wished I could sleep at times, but sleep never came to my eyes. Sometimes it was the altercations between my parents, and sometimes, the weeping of my mother that kept me awake. And whenever I did get an opportunity to get some shut-eye, my mother would cringe in pain and move into unusual postures for hours and hours making it difficult for me to adjust.

Even at nights, when she would be sleeping peacefully, I could hear my father making odd sounds. Sounds that I wanted to make; sounds that only a weeping person could make.

    “What is it that’s gone wrong between us? Everything was so perfect. I loved you from the very depth of my heart and nothing will ever change that. Has it all changed because of the wealth that I lost? I must get an answer. This thought is killing me from within.” Lucifer wept beside his sleeping wife.

This is so weird!

Sometimes, I could feel my father’s hands stroking the strange wall around me, but only partially. I always wondered why he wept only in the nights and not during the day so that I could sleep peacefully. Once, I spoke to the strange, heavenly voice that I could hear in my head.

    “What is all this?”


The reply was less than satisfactory, but I did not probe further as I was soon to find out myself.

I wondered about that for a long time though, and the more I thought of it, the more it made sense. The next time when my parents argued, I felt a bit agitated.

Why can’t we manage in a little less? And why can’t you two let each other know about your feelings?

Thankfully, this confusion did not last for a very long time. One morning I heard a loud cry and then everything turned upside down. The thud was followed by the sound of rushing footsteps and I felt my mother’s body being lifted.

The next thing I remember was the nurse speaking to my parents.

    “He is beautiful Mr and Mrs Jones.”

And there they were, holding me together, smiling, despite the grief on their faces – smiling. They were beautiful people who had turned into Lucifer and Delilah due to foolishness just like the voice had said.

Well, I had to set that right.

I tried to lift my father’s finger and pull it between my mother’s fingers. It was heavy. But I tried again; failed; repeated my effort; failed again.

I think he understood. He held my mother’s hand and said something to her that made her turn red. I did not completely understand why that happened, but the smile on her face depicted that now everything was going to be just perfect.

What is love?

Love is want. Love is need.

Love is impossibly imperfect.

Love always pays the bills on time but forgets your anniversary. It gets you frozen yogurt on the way home but leaves it in the car. It refuses to change the baby’s diaper but spends hours rocking the baby to sleep. It doesn’t write you poems or give romantic speeches but when you’re sad, it suddenly says that one right thing. It rarely thinks to buy you flowers but always thinks to plug your phone into the charger at night.

Love tries.

Love is forgiving. Love lets you get away with a lot. It grants forgiveness before you ask, but oftentimes makes you say sorry anyways, because it’s good for you to be humble. Love knows it will hurt you too. Love fails, time and again, but believes every next minute is a new chance to get it right.

Love is forgetful. It forgets old words and old wounds. And even when it remembers, it also remembers to stay kind. Love has the worst fight of your life with you and then, right after, shares a cold coffee and splits a plate of chaat. It will leave the last gol guppa for you.

Love understands your weaknesses. It doesn’t mock that you are scared of driving on highways or you get cranky if you’re hungry. It knows you have to drink your tea really, really hot. It will expect you will complain about your burnt tongue later. Love will be patient as you cut the tags off every shirt you wear because they scratch your neck unbearably. It will be quiet when you don’t feel like talking. It will laugh uproariously at your lame jokes during a party to save you from embarrassment. Love is loyal.

Love is your cheerleader. It believes in you. It goes along with your crazy ideas of writing a book, becoming a chef, launching an art business and tries its best to help you achieve your visions. It will edit poorly written first chapters, eat inedible crème brûlée and gasp amazedly at your blobs of paint on canvas. It doesn’t hold it against you when you fail. It encourages you. But because, you need it sometimes, it will tell you to stop when you are being insufferable and cut short your pity party.

Love changes perceptions of beauty. Love is fond of love handles and stretch marks. Love strokes your grey hair and remarks how distinguished it makes you look. Love sings, “I like big butts and I cannot lie” to your widening derriere. It knows that random chin hair become familiar friends, wrinkles and crow feet testaments to a life lived together. Love teaches you to find the ordinary, extraordinary.

Love is not a substitute for reality nor does it ask you to live in a more fantastic version of it because love lives real life. And in real life, love knows, there are good days and bad days. And a whole slew of so-so ones. Love gets through all of them, sometimes with style and pizzazz, other times with angst and bitterness. But it gets through.

Love flips your idea of humanity upside down. You think you know people and then you see what they will do for love’s sake, how far they will stretch the limits of themselves to care for the one they love and it makes you swallow, hard. Love will make you witness divinity.

Love is fluid. It changes with time in its expression and manifestation. It will be a spark, a raging fire, of flutters in your gut one day. Years later, it will be a steady burning ember, a sense of stability as solid as a rock and all flutters can usually be attributed to indigestion. Love will bring you Hajmola before you ask.

Love doesn’t always make you happy. But it makes you better. Happy too, but also unhappy. Because love knows that its central function in your life is to help you grow. Growth hurts.  Every day, love changes you to become a version of yourself you didn’t know existed. Expanded. Stretched somehow.

Love doesn’t ‘break’ your heart. It splits it open, so that more of what you need can enter.

Love is a choice. You make that choice every single day, every single minute.

Love is sacrifice, compromise, tolerance and a whole bunch of other scary words. It wants to leave you sometimes but it always remains. It wants to kill you sometimes but then imagines the subsequent loneliness. It turns away from you only to turn back again. It buries itself into the very core of you, so you don’t know where it begins or ends.

Love is a paradox. It is awkward and graceful. It is forced and natural, kind of terrible and absolutely hilarious. It is restful. It is wild. It is hurtful and healing. It is gentle and tough. It is confusion and clarity. It strengthens you and makes you vulnerable. It ties you down and helps you fly. It is as rare as a pearl and as common as breath.

Love is fierce. It is very often decidedly mundane, mind numbingly ordinary and easy to overlook, but still, if you know how to look at it, it’s really quite astonishing.

Love is beautiful, it is necessary, and if you allow it, instinctual, but it is never what you think it will be.

It is always much, much more.

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Story of husbnad love to wife

My husband is an Engineer by profession, I love him for his steady nature, and I love the warm feeling when I lean against his broad shoulders.

Three years of courtship and now, two years into marriage, I would have to admit, that I am getting tired of it. The reasons of me loving him before, has now transformed into the cause of all my restlessness.
I am a sentimental woman and extremely sensitive when it comes to a relationship and my feelings, I yearn for the romantic moments, like a little girl yearning for candy. My husband, is my complete opposite, his lack of sensitivity, and the inability of bringing romantic moments into our marriage has disheartened me about love.

One day, I finally decided to tell him my decision, that I wanted a divorce.

“Why?” he asked, shocked. “I am tired, there are no reasons for everything in the world!” I answered. He kept silent the whole night, seems to be in deep thought with a lighted cigarette at all times. My feeling of disappointment only increased, here was a man who can’t even express his predicament, what else can I hope from him? And finally he asked me:” What can I do to change your mind?”

Somebody said it right, it’s hard to change a person’s personality, and I guess, I have started losing faith in him. Looking deep into his eyes I slowly answered : “Here is the question, if you can answer and convince my heart, I will change my mind, Let’s say, I want a flower located on the face of a mountain cliff, and we both are sure that picking the flower will cause your death, will you do it for me?” He said :” I will give you your answer tomorrow….” My hopes just sank by listening to his response.

I woke up the next morning to find him gone, and saw a piece of paper with his scratchy handwriting, underneath a milk glass, on the dining table near the front door, that goes…. My dear, “I would not pick that flower for you, but please allow me to explain the reasons further..” This first line was already breaking my heart. I continued reading.

“When you use the computer you always mess up the Software programs, and you cry in front of the screen, I have to save my fingers so that I can help to restore the programs. You always leave the house keys behind, thus I have to save my legs to rush home to open the door for you. You love traveling but always lose your way in a new city, I have to save my eyes to show you the way. You always have the cramps whenever your “good friend” approaches every month, I have to save my palms so that I can calm the cramps in your tummy.

You like to stay indoors, and I worry that you will be infected by infantile autism. I have to save my mouth to tell you jokes and stories to cure your boredom. You always stare at the computer, and that will do nothing good for your eyes, I have to save my eyes so that when we grow old, I can help to clip your nails, and help to remove those annoying white hairs. So I can also hold your hand while strolling down the beach, as you enjoy the sunshine and the beautiful sand… and tell you the color of flowers, just like the color of the glow on your young face… Thus, my dear, unless I am sure that there is someone who loves you more than I do… I could not pick that flower yet, and die.. ”

My tears fell on the letter, and blurred the ink of his handwriting… and as I continue on reading… “Now, that you have finished reading my answer, if you are satisfied, please open the front door for I am standing outside bringing your favorite bread and fresh milk… I rush to pull open the door, and saw his anxious face, clutching tightly with his hands, the milk bottle and loaf of bread….

Now I am very sure that no one will ever love me as much as he does, and I have decided to leave the flower alone…

That’s life, and love. When one is surrounded by love, the feeling of excitement fades away, and one tends to ignore the true love that lies in between the peace and dullness.

Love shows up in all forms, even very small and cheeky forms, it has never been a model, it could be the most dull and boring form.. . flowers, and romantic moments are only used and appear on the surface of the relationship. Under all this, the pillar of true love stands… and that’s our life… Love, not words win arguments…

Monday 20 May 2013

6 Ways to get a stronger erection

Have you ever felt ashamed of not satisfying your partner because of erection problems?

As you grow older you'll find it a little difficult to get a strong erection and satisfy your partner in bed. A weak erection can strain your sexual relationship, and hurt your pride as well, to say the least. So, it is always necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle for a fully satisfying sex life.

Remember, a strong and hard erection is something women crave most for while you gear up for some action between the sheets.

We bring you six ways to get a harder erection.

1. Eat well, keep it hard:

Simple changes in your diet can increase your libido and give you a harder erection. Foods like bananas, eggs, nuts, figs, chillies, onions, and wine can increase your sexual prowess. Word of caution: Steer clear of junk food.

2. Your penis needs exercise:

Healthy men are always sexually active. Exercise is one of the best ways to increase your sex drive and sexual potency. It reduces stress which is an erection-killer, and helps enhance testosterone production in the body. Kegel exercises are a perfect workout for the penis.

3. Avoid smoking or drinking alcohol:

You must have heard this a million times, smoking and drinking can really affect your sexual life. Smoking decreases your blood circulation, and results in less lung capacity. It can impact your ability to get and maintain an erection. And alcohol can numb the body and lead to temporary erectile dysfunction.

4. Don't masturbate too often: 

Save something for a real sex. Excessive masturbation can decrease your sexual appetite. Continual erections and ejaculations may lead to weaker erection the next day. So, control the urge!

5. Know the right sex positions: 

Always warm up with oral sex. Sexual positions like missionary and doggy style allow more blood flow, leading to a stronger and harder erection. And don't ever let her ride you first!

6. Throw away those tight undergarments: 

Avoid wearing tight, or any, undergarments, for that matter, while sleeping. It restricts blood flow to the penile tissues which in turn can affect erection strength. Always go for loose, airy underwear.

Simply stop worrying about weak erections and lead a healthy sex life.

What makes you financially unfaithful

Yes you are, if you have ever hidden a purchase from your partner or stored away some cash secretly...

Financially 'cheating' your spouse or partner is something that is and has been prevalent and couples indulge in it sometimes without even knowing that it amounts to 'cheating'. A man goes out with his gang of buddies and they spend a few thousands at a resto-bar over drinks and dinner. He knows his wife will probably not like it and may throw a tantrum over the unwarranted expenses. So, he simply avoids telling her about it. In another instance a woman who knows her husband would probably question her about why she was spending so much on her salon visits, decides to keep mum about her beauty parlour bills. This in its mildest forms amounts to financial infidelity.

Dr Kersi Chavda, psychiatrist and immediate past president of Bombay Psychiatric Society says, "Sometimes, a person cannot control his/her shopping or spending impulses and then to avoid a fracas at home over it all, lies. This is done in order to maintain peace at home." He maintains that when it is about a simple manicure then it is not such a big thing.

"However," he adds, "when this involves an enormous amount of money then it can be a problem. A person I know did not reveal his credit card expenses to his partner. He had to finally sell off his house to pay off his debts and his family was devastated."

The money secrets that partners keep from their significant others, takes many forms — ranging from harmless and idiosyncratic, to hurtful and destructive. Most partners have indulged in it at some point or the other. The sad part about monetary cheating is that, very often, it is so subtle that people don't know they're engaging in it, yet it can be just as devastating as an affair when it is finally out in the open.

Sometimes, this kind of monetary cheating can be well intentioned. Somya Mohanty, a 31-year-old human resource executive says, "I have secretly saved money to surprise my husband. I know he always spends too much and that is the reason I have not told him about this extra cash that I have stowed away." The reason for the monetary cheating here, may not be a bad one but it still is cheating, though a mild form. This kind of behaviour may lead to mistrust in the partner later and the overall health of the relationship may suffer because of this say experts.

Lying to your partner about the money you are spending may undermine the trust in the relationship and may also rob you of the kind of intimacy you share with your better half. It is important for couples to keep in mind that if they are feeling guilty of something then there is infidelity of some kind involved. Communication that is open and honest will help build and then later nurture a relationship. Doubts and suspicions take root and grow when there is secret spending and hidden account balances.

The bottom line definitely is that however small the topic might be, it is important to share and discuss everything with your partner, if you want a healthy and happy relationship.

Effects of financial infidelity

- You fail to achieve greater intimacy because you stop sharing with each other how you spend your money.
- You do not develop a respect for the difference in each others personalities.
- You are robbed of a safe way to work through your differences in perspective.
- You may lose out on a big topic of discussion- finance — that sometimes helps to bind couples together.

Financial Infidelity: Reasons cited by couples

- He/she never makes me feel that I am entitled to buy things for myself or spend on myself.
- We rarely share each and every thing with each other, so I do not find any reason to tell him/her everything about where and on what I spend.
- I do not trust my partner and I am sure he/she does not trust me either.
- We just cannot seem to solve our problems regarding money matters.
- Because I do not think that that this amounts to cheating.

Reasons why kissing is great for you

After reading these benefits, you'll no more feel the need to look for excuses to kiss your loved one.

Helps bonding

All of us know that locking lips boosts bonding in a couple. When one kisses, one produces the hormone oxytocin which causes to bond.

Enhances sexual pleasure

Yes, sex does good benefit to your heart as well as your self-esteem and kissing is one of the major component of sex and foreplay. Kissing gives a more pleasurable experience.

Spit treats illnesses

Swapping spit is a great way to ward off viruses especially when kissing is followed by sex. Moreover, kissing also helps build immunity - people who have sex often have greater immunity to fight health issues.

Makes one happy

Kissing releases endophins and endorphins make you happy.If you are depressed, kissing seems to be a better medication than going to a psychologist or popping pills.

Reduces pain

During a heated kissing session, your body releases adrenaline which is said to reduce the feeling of pain. Try pairing locking lips with physical intimacy when you have a headache and see whether it works wonders on your ache.

Lowers stress

If you feel drained and exhausted at the end of the day, blame it on cortisol which is the stress hormone. Kissing lowers cortisol levels and boosts our immune system, endocrine system and brain health. So to de-stress, just steal a kiss your partner and you'll definitely feel better.

Burns calories

Kissing may not burn as many calories as running on a treadmill does but it does pump up your metabolism to about twice its usual rate. So if you're planning to skip gym for a make-out session with your partner, you can do it without feeling guilty. Just make up for the gym session through some energy-boosting kisses. Moreover, kissing also workout out your face and enhances your youthful appearance by tightening your muscles.

Why do women feel guilty?

Beautiful woman feeling guilty

Do you find yourself burying your head in shame each time you fail to be a perfect hostess, or when you say no? Here's how to stop whipping yourself

Are you sick of reading about how an amazing lettuce-only diet will make you happier, or how decluttering your home could transform your sex life? You're not the only one. After all, you have enough to feel guilty about without worrying about your love handles or your kids' confidence. According to a recent study, 96 per cent of women feel guilty at least once a day. This can have a destructive effect on our health, even factoring in the onset of depression. Here's how to cancel guilt trips.

No time for kids

Since most mothers now go out to work, women are expected to balance a happy home life with the demands of a job. But a startling majority feels like they haven't got the balance right. If you're at work worrying about the children, work isn't getting the best out of you and the kids aren't getting anything. Anxiety is rehearsing for tomorrow and reliving the past — stay in the here and now. When you're at work, be 100 per cent at work and when you're with your children, be 100 per cent with them. That way everyone benefits.

Not losing extra kilos

Women are so demoralised from being bombarded with images of "perfect" models that their default mode for shape and size tends to be set at "dissatisfaction". More than 70 per cent report being on a diet at any one time, regardless of whether they are actually overweight or not. Choose to change your situation and make time to go to the gym. If you choose not to do that, then view the situation differently — recognise it is your choice and no one else is to blame. But don't stay in the same situation and view it with horror. That wastes energy.

Spulrging on yourself

Going on a shopping spree may be fun at the time, but the after effects can send some into a spiral of self-loathing and guilt. A survey found that 80 per cent of women felt bad about splashing their cash on themselves just hours after they had finished shopping; 10 per cent felt so crippled by remorse that they refused to disclose their purchases to their partner. But as long as it's not eating into important payments, then spending money on yourself is fair enough.

Women don't see making themselves feel better as a gain for everyone. But if you rationalise your reasons for spending money on a spa break because you need the downtime, then you have no reason to feel guilty.

Not making him happy

Like the balance needed to maintain a happy home and work life, there is often effort needed to keep a relationship on track. But if you're feeling stretched, your partner is likely to be the first to suffer from your lack of attention and this causes stress and guilt. If you feel guilty that you're not doing enough to make your loved one happy, sit down and look at your timetables and agree on how you to make more time for each other. Discuss it and come up with a change in your behaviour that will make you both happier.

Always late

Sometimes situations arise which make us late, no matter how prepared we are. Seeing time as a gift will enable you to make the best out of the situation and prevent panic. You can either be late and flustered or late and collected. Sitting on a train and getting aggravated is a waste of energy. It's not the end of the world; it's a problem to be solved. Stay in the here and now, and ask yourself how you can use the moment? Jot a list, or call your mother.

Imperfect hosting

Many women would like to host the perfect dinner party, but they often set high standards. The desire for social excellence derives from the need to be perfect all the time. Host your party and be a bad hostess. The moment you accept you can do it, but do it badly, it takes the pressure off. Women give themselves a lot of 'should, oughts and musts', but these don't exist — everyone has a different perception, so host a dinner, but do it your way.

Forgetting birthdays

Though men might forget a birthday and shrug it off, women are more likely to beat themselves up for days for such minor oversights. Go easy on yourself, but also, go easy on others who forget.

It's not deliberate. When people aren't putting you first, you must see it from their point of view and if we could be more generous then we wouldn't feel so guilty. If you feel guilty, tell yourself you know you're doing your best, apologise and make clear it wasn't deliberate.

Taking some 'me' time

Living up to the 'superwoman' image can lead to terrible feelings of guilt over getting your hair done. But doing nothing is very important in allowing women to physically and mentally recharge. But it is very difficult to allow yourself to do it. Tell people the truth. That you need a break because you are at your limit — then accept that the world will not fall apart without you.

Letting your folks down

Women can inherit guilt through generations — of not doing enough for their elders, not doing it right or 'failing' their parents. Learn to accept that your parents will love and judge you no matter what. Do try and be sensitive but if you go your own way and you are successful and happy, then if they are decent human beings, they'll be happy for you.

Saying 'no'

Saying 'no' is hard because women don't want to be seen as the baddie and because they are taught to put others first. Give yourself time to think about each request, so have ready a stalling tactic. If you really don't want to do what they ask, give options to help solve their problem — brainstorm alternatives.

However, if you've explained why you can't do something and they can't see it from your point of view, then accept that they're being unreasonably selfish and taking advantage of your goodwill.